Creating a Whole New World

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The day will come when after harnessing the ether, the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. - Teilhard de Chardin

I know most of us are feeling wobbly with all the changes and challenges in our world. Some of us have lost loved ones. Some of us have lost our livelihood. Now in the U.S. we add serious social unrest to the mix. All of have lost our relationship to the world as we once knew it. Many of us intuit that there is no going back to the old ways, the old normal.

As unsettling as the chaos in our personal lives and the world can be, what if the unraveling of the old offers us an opportunity to create a new world. One that works for all. A world where everyone’s basic needs are taken care of and we take care of the earth in the process. Critical to this shift is the need to move from our heads to our hearts. 

In the words of Doc Childre at the Institute of Heartmath, Our minds may be different based on beliefs, upbringing and life situations, but our hearts can find harmony with each other in a shared existence . . . It’s in the heart that we access the core qualities of love, compassion, care, kindness, forgiveness and appreciation that lift us above separation, judgment and blame. What if we can create a new normal out of this feeling that elevate us to who we really are at our core.

Many of us have felt more heart centered as the need to stay at home has brought us back to the basics. We have spent more time on an inner reflection as well as appreciating and caring for our friends, families and neighbors in new ways. We have discovered that we can be happy with less. I find deep satisfaction watching birds out the window as I play with writing a poem. We are being invited to travel light, help each other and find joy in small pleasures. How creative can we get with all this.

In this time of crisis where the challenges seem staggering, creative expression is more important than ever. Creative activities help us process what all the change mean to us, our society and our future. Getting creative can help us envision what a better world could look like and provide the creative solutions that can get us there. Engaging our creative gifts connects us to the new level of thinking that allows us to open new possibilities for our lives and the world. Being creative brings us into the present moment and helps to open our hearts. Each of us has gifts the world needs now. How can you open and express yours