Creativity is Critical to Our Well Being

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Expressing our creativity is as vital to our well being as a healthy diet, exercise, fresh air and sunlight, and a good night’s sleep. At this point in our history, embracing our creativity is also essential to the well being of our world.

Just as deep conscious breathing infuses our body to healing energy, when we are creative there is a vital life force energy that moves through us that enlivens our body and spirit. The word inspire, meaning to breath in or inhale, originally referred to taking in spirit or divine truth. When we are inspired to be creative we connect to a source greater than our everyday self, we feel expanded and present in the moment. When we repress our creative urges It actually hurts.

The good news is that all of us are already much more creative than we think. We know that it feels good and uplifting to play with our creative ideas and impulses. The idea that we are not creative, is simply a story we bought into somewhere along the way, often from our schools and society at large as well as the people close to us who didn’t consider themselves creative.

To embrace our creative self we need to let go of what we think creativity is. We need to be willing to let go of control and let the flow carry us. There are infinite ways to be creative. Make something, dance more, doodle, play with an idea or project without attachment to outcome, question everything. Ask “hey can this be done a different way” or “what else is possible here”.

Getting creative with how we ask questions can expand our possibilities. Rather than asking how do we fix climate change, ask how do we live in harmony with the earth or how do we bring more love into the world. Expanded questions invite creative solutions.

When we feel our spirit inviting us to be more creative we have to be careful that we don’t let our mind talk us out of acting on the ideas and intuitions we receive. Living from our minds has us on autopilot drawing only on what we know from the past. To embrace our creativity we need to be willing to understand less and play and intuit more.

What if the challenges we face in our live and the world today are an invitation to be more creative. To allow this medicine for our heart and soul to feed our overall sense of well being and creative positive change in our worlds.