Finding Joy and Creativity in Difficult Times

I’ve been reading a book titled The Book of Joy, conversations between HIs Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. These talks, at the the Dalai Lama’s home in Dharamsala, India on the occasion of the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday, were intended to create a gift for the world. Their main focus was the question: How do we find joy in the face of suffering?

I thought this topic quite timely as we have all had our worlds turned upside down by the pandemic, triggering a lot of uncertainty and fear. How can we find moments of joy even now? One of the ways they were able to cultivate joy in their lives was to change their perspective on the difficulties they had experienced. The Daiai Lama explained that while felt sorrow at having been in exile from his beloved Tibet for more that 50 years he is aware that it has allowed to live a much more expanded and enriched life than had he remained sequestered in the Royal Palace in Lhasa. He is grateful for that.

So how can we gain a new perspective around all the changes that are going on in our lives and the world. Our fears for the future have us wobbling all over the map. Yet what if all the changes are offering us new opportunities to create lives that are more satisfying and to create a world that works for everyone. A world where we live in our hearts and create from the force of love. That’s where I have been trying to keep my attention.

Being creative helps. It brings us into the present moment where we forget about our worries. It helps us learn to work with the unknown. The artist faces the blank canvas trusting she will know what to do, the writer walks day after day down a path he can barely see. We discover that by taking one small step after another we can make the journey and find joy in the experience as we go.

Getting creative expands our possibilities and allows us to see what’s right about our situation. We see new ways of moving forward. During World War II many Americans planted gardens in their yards. By the end of the war these victory gardens, as they were called, account for half the produce grown in the entire country. We can do things like that. Small efforts done together that can make a big impact.

I know lots of people all over the world are doing all sorts of creative things during this time of crisis. Isolated at home we are finding new ways to connect, we are figuring out ways to help each other and the essential workers keeping things going, we are getting really creative without even thinking about it. I am grateful for that and for each of you, bringing your beautiful gifts to our world at this time.